We are pleased to announce that the UK’s Oncogene Cancer Research has now joined the LuCE family.
Its mission is to increase the life expectancy of people living with oncogene-driven cancers that originate in the lungs.
Each year hundreds of thousands of people are diagnosed with an oncogene-driven lung cancer such as ALK, EGFR, RET, ROS1, KRAS and others.
Those diagnosed are often younger and many have no known risk factors. These oncogene-driven cancers can also appear elsewhere in the body and benefit from many of the same drugs.
Oncogene Cancer Research is focused on funding research to increase life expectancy – and one day find a cure.
They have a growing number of members and its senior representatives include:
Yvonne Diaz, Chair and Co-founder
Jan Clark, Secretary and Co-founder
Helen Tankard, Trustee
Find out more here: https://www.oncogeneresearch.org/patient-advocacy