• +1 700 888 1234

  • Effingerstrasse 40 3008 Bern Switzerland

Association of Patients with Respiratory Failure and Lung Transplantation joins LuCE

We are pleased to welcome another new member to Lung Cancer Europe as the Bulgarian Association of Patients with Respiratory […]

Busy schedule planned for AGM 2024 in Zagreb

Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE) Annual General Meeting and General Assembly The Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE) AGM and General Assembly take […]

BMS Press Release is out now

Bristol Myers Squibb has released a new Press Release announcing that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has validated the marketing authorization application for repotrectinib. Repotrectinib […]

Press Release: High risk of financial vulnerability after diagnosis: The majority of people impacted by lung cancer experience higher costs and reduction in income

Financial impact of lung cancer: A European perspective High risk of financial vulnerability after diagnosis:  The majority of people impacted […]

LuCE attending the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Amsterdam

November 14th – 15th in Amsterdam We are delighted to announce that Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE) is participating in a two-day meeting […]

Introducing our newest Member: Lungunion Austria

About the Organization Lungunion Austria  The Lungunion Austria is a patient organization (NGO and self-aid organization) for people with airway […]