• +1 700 888 1234

  • Effingerstrasse 40 3008 Bern Switzerland

Highlights on lung cancer research – LuCE Webinar

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    Event Date

    July 4

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    Event Location

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    Event Cost

As part of our strategic objectives, LuCE conducts a series of educational webinars for our members, including advocates, patients, and caregivers. These webinars cover a variety of topics related to lung cancer, which our community has identified as of significant interest.


For the second quarter of this year, we plan to host a session titled “Highlights in Lung Cancer Research”. The primary aim of this session is to provide attendees with the latest updates on developments and research trends in lung cancer, enhancing their understanding of both current and emerging therapies.


The session will be given by Benjamin Besse, MD, PhD, Professor of Medical Oncology at Paris-Saclay University, Orsay, France, and lung cancer specialist at Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Villejuif.